From an early stage, TEKZ Belastingadviseurs can help you with all the fiscal aspects of a merger or takeover. Think of, for example, the inventorisation of tax risks at the time of sale (vendor due diligence), but also, of course, of the assessment of fiscal guarantees and exemptions in the purchase agreement.
We can efficiently and practically provide you with all the relevant tax information to realise a sale, purchase or merger smoothly.
We work for a diverse range of clients, ranging from family businesses to multinationals.
Our activities include:
Tax (vendor) due diligence checks: identifying tax risks when both purchasing and selling a company can be crucial to avoid unpleasant (financial) surprises later during the negotiation process.
Post-transaction services: fiscally dotting the i's and crossing the t's is still important after closing a transaction which can often be exhausting. These include applying for a tax entity in good time for both corporation tax and turnover tax, or resolving tax omissions that came to light during due diligence.
Negotiation processes: we can help streamline negotiations between buyer and seller to avoid ambiguities later and make the buying or selling process as effective as possible.
Indicative valuations: depending on the size and complexity, we can either provide an indicative valuation of the transaction object or provide a second opinion on an external valuation report together with you.
Purchase agreement review: after the parties have reached agreement on the purchase or sale, the agreements made still need to be formalised in legal form in a sales and purchase agreement (SPA). We can assist you in preparing the tax exemptions and guarantees, but also review the entire SPA.
Private equity: guidance for private equity-related clients (whether companies, individuals or entrepreneurs) requires specific tax advice and expertise. Examples include applying the 'lucrative-interest provision' and asset structuring.
Based on a vision in which you as an entrepreneur are central, we provide clear and cost-efficient advice. High quality advice with personal attention!
We have offices in Alkmaar, Purmerend, Haarlem and Noordwijkerhout.
© 2024, TEKZ Belastingadviseurs